marine organism-environment interaction


Hannes Schraft received a BSc in Biology at the University of Puerto Rico where he was involved in research on the performance of trilled bird songs. Since then, his interests have shifted to the behavior and sensory ecology of reptiles. Currently he is in the Joint Doctoral Program in Ecology, splitting his time between San Diego State University and UC Davis. At San Diego State, Hannes is advised by Dr. Rulon Clark.


BSc Biology; University of Puerto Rico (2013)

Research Interests

Some vipers, including rattlesnakes, have specialized sensory organs that allow them perceive infrared radiation. My dissertation will investigate the resolution and sensitivity of rattlesnake pit organs, and the extent to which rattlesnakes can use thermal information from prey animals to make foraging decisions. Specifically, I want to know whether rattlesnakes make decisions about striking prey or ambush site selection based on the prey’s thermal signature. 


About Hannes Schraft
